The importance of the animated video for endomarketing

Imagem de 4 pessoas sorrindo em uma sala de reuniões

What is endomarketing?


Endomarketing is an essential internal communication strategy for creating a more pleasant, healthy and motivating environment for company employees, as well as integrating the company culture into the team. Such strategy also suits HR for working on the employee’s well-being and needs. Thus, endomarketing, when well applied, can motivate employees and offer a sense of community and belonging to them.


Where does the animated video come in?


That’s why in this kind of communication strategy, the animated video becomes such an important tool for employee engagement. Using storytelling, the animated video synthesizes complex subjects to the collaborator, telling dynamic and engaging stories. Its advantage is in its versatility, which can give it different purposes, such as training, institutional, educational videos about safety or hygiene regulation.


The animated video is also a tool that validates the authenticity of a piece of information. When it comes to internal communication, information overloads employees, which can be very harmful. Information is not uniformly understood and it changes a lot, for example, as in the “Chinese whispers” game. Thanks to its audiovisual and narrative potential, the video conveys the message in a uniform way that facilitates its comprehension.


In short, endomarketing is a communication strategy that is extremely important to engage employees with company goals, and the animated video is a great tool to intensify this strategy.